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UK Light Bulbs
    Dichronic mr16 lightbulbs

Uk light bulbs have a wide range of MR11 and MR16 Light bulbs, the " Mr " range is a capsule lamp with a Dichroic ( dish ) round it, which concentrates and projects the beam of light output into a narrow or wide beam.
MR11 and MR16 are available with a glass cover on the front or open.
The Dichroic MR11 and MR16 are also available Heliographic colored type also known as True Colour, in which the mirrored reflector as a special colored surface to produce a true colour of choice of RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW.
The MR11 has two pins the pin spacing is 4 mm, the MR16 has a pin space of 5.3 mm.
Diameter of Dish:-
The MR11 has a dish diameter of 35 mm and the MR16 is 50 mm.
Voltage and wattage:-
Both MR11 and MR16 are available in 6 volts, 12 volts and 24 volts, with a wattage of 5 watts, 10 watts, 12 watts, 15 watts, 18 watts, 20 watts, 35 watts, 50 watts, and 75 watts.
Beam angle:-
The beam angle is obtained in manufacture by cementing the capsule into the diachronic reflector, the nearer to the back of reflector the smaller the beam angle.
Available beam angle's:-
The beam angle is manufactured in 8 degree spot through to 38 degree flood wide beam.
Value for money;
Is not always the case! Depends on many factors, We can find an lower price supplier but is the product up for it speak with us about your requirements,


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